Do you want to fulfill your dreams of studying and playing college sports in the USA?
You are in the right place!

Start the process NOW. Let us walk you through the entire scholarship recruitment process
Receive an athletic scholarship and play sports at the highest world level in a unique atmosphere with great facilities
Sport and Education
Combine education at world-class universities and high-level sports you love
Get to know new places you've dreamed of and broaden your horizons by meeting people from other cultures around the world
World class education
Ensure a better future for yourself and expand your opportunities by receiving a world class education
There are many reasons why you should combine sports and educaton in the USA:
Combining sports
and education
Spectacular atmosphere
Great scholarships
Future opportunities

How to start the recruiting process?

Testimonials of our athletes
Thanks to Playsportusa, I was able to make my dream come true and get a sports scholarship in the USA in less than six months. Mr. Kajetan found the scholarship himself, and then presented all process recruitment steps to me and my parents in a very professional manner. At each stage of the recruitment process, I received many valuable tips: from establishing contact with trainers to visiting the embassy.
I never imagined it would be possible in any way and here's a boom! @Kajetanborecki appeared on my way and thanks to him and @ playsportusa1 my trip was 100% possible! Even though I had a lot of fears and hesitations, thank you for believing in me! Thank you so much for all your help and support! I recommend it with all my heart to all those who are thinking about going and want to develop overseas!
I would like to thank Kajetan for the great cooperation and the opportunity to go to the USA and he deserves a lot of applause because he is doing a great job!
I am extremely happy and proud that from August 2021 I will be able to represent @gvu_mens_soccer. It would not have been possible if not for the support of my loved ones and excellent cooperation with @ playsportusa1 which allowed me to make my dreams come true and combine science with sport at the highest level.
From next season I will combine my studies and 🏐 at Temple University (@templeuniv @ temple.vb) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ❤️
A big thank you to @ playsportusa1 for all your help and support. For showing that the impossible becomes possible and that it is worth dreaming and believing in yourself! #playsportusa ✈️🇺🇸
I would like to thank Playsportusa for cooperation and Kajetan Borecki for commitment and faith from the very beginning that I will be able to fly out and make my dream a goal that I will pursue. I recommend PLAYSPORTUSA! Definitely the best choice for everyone who wants to develop and fullfill themselves. You can count on full professionalism, organisation, availability and openness
I am really grateful with all my heart and I feel incredibly happy, full of courage and hope to take further steps on my Life Path! I wanted to thank @playsportusa1 for giving me this opportunity and helping me do the "impossible"! just thank you! You are awesome! ☀️❤️😄
The greatest appreciation goes to @ playsportusa1 for support and a helping hand in the entire recruitment process. Without @kajetanborecki's help, making this dream come true would be extremely difficult. Thank you! If you want to make your "American dream" come true, don't be afraid and feel free to write to @ playsportusa1!
Kajetan's help in recruiting to universities was invaluable. With confidence, I can recommend it to any athlete who would like to fulfill their dreams overseas
It was possible to do a lot of work in such a short time, thanks to the help and the right tips. Now I can fulfill my volleyball and school dreams in the USA. I would never have done it without the Playsportus agency, for which I am very grateful to them.
I never expected to study abroad, also in the United States! I would like to thank @ playsportusa1 for all help in recruiting for studies and the opportunity to talk to many great coaches to make the right decision for my future in sports and education
Quincy University I’m so excited to announce my commitment to play volleyball at Quincy University! All thanks to my family and Kajetan Borecki from @playsportusa1 he was the one to help me find a right team. With his support you can play sport you love while studying in US
Special thanks to Mr. Kajetan and Playsportusa, without whom it would not have been possible. 🇺🇸 If someone (just like me a year ago) is thinking about leaving and making their dreams come true, I encourage you to write to @ playsportusa1 and start cooperation. You can only benefit from it and gain confidence throughout the entire recruitment process. 💪🏼🏐
I highly recommend Playsportusa! This is the agency that helped me choose a really great school. Also after my departure to the USA, they are have been guiding a helping me!
Olga Sawińska
Thanks to Playsportusa, I was able to make my dream come true and get a sports scholarship in the USA in less than six months. Mr. Kajetan found the scholarship himself, and then presented all process recruitment steps to me and my parents in a very professional manner. At each stage of the recruitment process, I received many valuable tips: from establishing contact with trainers to visiting the embassy.
Klaudia Pawlik
I never imagined it would be possible in any way and here's a boom! @Kajetanborecki appeared on my way and thanks to him and @ playsportusa1 my trip was 100% possible! Even though I had a lot of fears and hesitations, thank you for believing in me! Thank you so much for all your help and support! I recommend it with all my heart to all those who are thinking about going and want to develop overseas!
Dawid Chrobot
I am extremely happy and proud that from August 2021 I will be able to represent @gvu_mens_soccer. It would not have been possible if not for the support of my loved ones and excellent cooperation with @ playsportusa1 which allowed me to make my dreams come true and combine science with sport at the highest level.
Patrycja Zielińska
From next season I will combine my studies and 🏐 at Temple University (@templeuniv @ temple.vb) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ❤️ A big thank you to @ playsportusa1 for all your help and support. For showing that the impossible becomes possible and that it is worth dreaming and believing in yourself! #playsportusa ✈️🇺🇸
Ewa Kostera
Jestem naprawdę z całego serca wdzięczna i czuję się niesamowicie szczęśliwa, pełna odwagi i nadziei na stawianie dalszych kroków na mojej Drodze życia! Chciałam podziękować @playsportusa1 za danie mi tej możliwości i pomocy mi właśnie w zrobieniu tego „niemożliwego”! Po prostu dziękuję! Jesteście niesamowici! ☀️❤️😄
Paulina Krześlak
I would like to thank Playsportusa for cooperation and Kajetan Borecki for commitment and faith from the very beginning that I will be able to fly out and make my dream a goal that I will pursue. I recommend PLAYSPORTUSA! Definitely the best choice for everyone who wants to develop and fullfill themselves. You can count on full professionalism, organisation, availability and openness
Wiktoria Kowalczyk
The greatest appreciation goes to @ playsportusa1 for support and a helping hand in the entire recruitment process. Without @kajetanborecki's help, making this dream come true would be extremely difficult. Thank you! If you want to make your "American dream" come true, don't be afraid and feel free to write to @ playsportusa1!